Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Insulting The Giver

To seek to earn, merit, or purchase salvation is to insult the Giver. 

President Obama speaks at National Prayer Breakfast in 2009
Imagine yourself invited to a banquet in the White House by the president of the United States. 

You are seated at a table that is filled with the choice foods. Every effort is made to give you a most enjoyable evening. At the end of a lovely visit, the president stands at the door to bid you good-bye. 

What do you do? 

As you leave do you press a dime into his hand and say, “Thank you very much for your kindness. I realize it has cost you a lot of money, and I want to help you pay for the meal.” 

Is that the proper response to his kindness? 

On the contrary, it would be a very rude and insulting gesture. 

So it would be with God’s grace

(William MacDonald, The Grace of God - Swindoll’s Book of Illustrations, p. 250.)

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