Monday, November 15, 2010

What Ship Are You On?

During World War 2, all sailors serving on American cruisers or other battleships in the Pacific were on high alert. This meant that everybody was to be ready for battle... especially in areas where the Japanese submarines were active. 

One day, the Captain inspected the ship and something caught his eyes. He had spotted three of his sailors sunbathing in an apparent hidden part of the ship. He was really mad as he hollered, "This is a battleship! Not a cruise ship!"

The Captain promptly gave these three irresponsible men extra cleaning duties. They had to clean the deck from morning to night for two weeks. Then they had to clean all the toilets with tiny toothbrushes. After that they had to polish the shoes of all senior officers. From then on, these sailors dared not slacken their guard whenever the ship was on high alert.

Is your Church a battleship or a cruise ship? The faithful Church is a battleship and already on high alert because this is the End Time. As the disciples of Christ, are we dressed for battle on a battleship or are we lazing around as though we are on a cruise ship?

By Albert Kang

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