Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Wish of A Dying Preacher

The old preacher had spent 40 years pastoring in the same church and was highly respected in the community. 

The end of his life was drawing near and as he lay on his death bed he ask for the local banker and the local lawyer to come and spend his last hours with him. 

Both were impressed that they would be ask and discussed amoung themselves what great pearl of wisdom the old pastor wished to share with them. As they enter his room he motioned for one to sit on his left and one on his right. 

As they sat down a great peace came upon the man of God, thirty minutes passed and not a word was spoken. 

Finally the banker leaned forward and ask, "Reverend, we were wondering what great pearl of wisdom you may want to share with us since you called us here."

The old preacher looked at him and replied, "As you know Jesus has been my example all my life, and since he died between two theives I decided that's the way I wanted to go".

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