Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christian Acronyms

Here we have a list of Christian Acronyms. 
Some of them are quite amusing!

ACTS - Adoration. Contrition. Thanksgiving. Supplication.

APE - Always Pray Everyday

ASAP - Always Say A Prayer

BASIC - Becoming A Soldier In Christ

BIBLE - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

BIG - Bold In God

BIG FISH - Believers in God, Faithful In Serving Him

CEO - Christians Encouraging Others

CHRIST - Certainly His Resurrection Is Supreme Truth

CIA - Christ Is Alive

CIA - Christians In Action

COPS - Christian Operated Prayer Support

CORE - Christians On Road to Excellence

DOG - Depend On God

EGO - Edging God Out

EGR - Extra Grace Required

FAITH - For All I Trust Him

FEAR - False Expectations Appearing Real

FRETS - Focus Returned Exclusively To Satan

FRIEND - Fully Reliable In Each New Difficulty

FROG - Fully Rely On God

GIRAFFE - God Inspires Reverence Affection Forgiveness For Ever

GOD - God Our Defender

GOD - Great. Omnipotent. Deity

GRACE - God's Riches At Christ's Expense

GUM - God Use Me

HOPE - He Offers Peace Everyday

JAGUAR - Jesus Always Guides Us And Redeems

JCLU - Jesus Christ Loves You

JIM - Jesus In Me!

JOY - Jesus first. Others second. Yourself last.

JOY - Jesus Overshadows You

LEOPARD - Love Everyone Offer Prays And Repent Daily

LICE - Life In Christ Eternal

LOVE - Love Others Very Eagerly

PRAY - Praise. Repent. Ask. Yield.

PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens

SPAM - Serving People Aids Me

TED - Treasure Each Day

TGIF - Thank God I'm Forgiven

TGIF - Thank God I'm Free

TIGER - Trust In God & Everything's Right

WASTE - Worry. Anger. Self-Pity. Tattling. Envy

WWJD - What Would Jesus Do?

WWJD - Walking With Jesus Daily

WWYD - What Would You Do? (We know what Jesus would do)

YET - YES! Emmanuel Triumphs

SICK- Search In Christs Knowlegde

POO- Pray Over & Over

IDIOT- I Did It On Truth

WASTE - Worry. Anger. Self-Pity. Tattling. Envy

WWJD - What Would Jesus Do?

WWJD - Walking With Jesus Daily

WWYD - What Would You Do? (We know what Jesus would do)

YET - YES! Emmanuel Triumphs

Source: SpringWater

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