Thursday, December 9, 2010

No Encouragement

Alexandra Kropotkin, in an article titled, "Homemade", described the death of her friend as follows: 

One day a millionaire of my acquaintance, whose pride it was never to offer a tip for any service, faced an unforgettable tragedy. His chief accountant committed suicide. 

The books were found to be in perfect order; the affairs of the dead man, a modest bachelor, were prosperous and calm. 

The only letter left by the accountant was a brief note to his millionaire employer. It read: "In 30 years I have never had one word of encouragement. I'm fed up." 

Do we often say thank you and give a word of encouragement to our spouse, our children, our friends, our employer, and to our employees? If we all do this on a daily basis, we can make an impact on the world in which we live. Whether it is a kind word or a kind deed, in the words of Charles Dudley Warner, "It is one of the beautiful compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." 

Adapted from Dick Innes

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