Thursday, April 14, 2011

Praying For A Pen Point

George Müller
A.T. Pierson, a Bible teacher, sat one day with George Müller, the founder of many English orphanages. Müller was relating to Pierson some of the marvelous things God had done for the orphanage he founded in Bristol. As Müller talked he wrote, and by and by Pierson noticed that he was having difficulty with his pen point. Suddenly Müller bowed his head for a moment in prayer, and then began writing again. Pierson asked what he had prayed about.

“This pen point,” replied Müller. “It’s not working properly. This is an important letter, and I was asking the Lord to help me so I could write clearly.”

“Dear me,” replied Pierson. “A man who trusts God for millions of pounds also prays about a scratchy pen point!”

John E. Haggai

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