Saturday, April 16, 2011

You Mean We Gotta Pay For This?

A certain pastor thought taking his two visiting nephews to church would be a good experience. Neither of the six and nine-year-old boys had any church experience, so Bob looked forward to the opportunity of spiritual exposure. 

The stark reality, though, of kids growing up outside of the church came to fruition when the kids came down for the children’s sermon. In the middle of the discussion with the kids, the pastor’s six-year-old nephew, Eric, raised his hand and blurted out, “How much longer do we have to stay up here?” 

Pastor Bob endured and went on. Eric was still not terribly impressed with what he had seen. This became most evident when the offering plates were passed. Little Eric watched with keen interest as the plate made its way toward him. When the offering plate reached his hands he asked in a very audible voice, “You mean we gotta pay for this?” 

[source: Baptist Beacon, 2/20/92, p. 5. Qtd in In other Words, Raymond McHenry]

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