Monday, May 2, 2011

Lulu The Hero Pig

Lulu the Potbellied Pig with Jo Ann
Jo Ann was taking care of her daughter's potbellied pig named Lulu. Jo Ann suffered a major heart attack while she was watching Lulu. She cried for help, but no one could hear her.

Lulu knew that Jo Ann was in trouble and ran out of the house. The pig laid down in the middle of the street and stopped all traffic. Lulu tried relentlessly to get help. Lulu would return to the house to check on Jo Ann, and then return to the street searching for someone to help. 

Finally, someone noticed Lulu and followed her to the door. Jo Ann was rushed to the hospital and she survived. Without Lulu's help, Jo Ann might not be here today. Lulu the potbellied pig is a well known animal hero.

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