Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Prositutes and Their Children

The locals had gathered to protest and to threaten to demolish an old and dirty building that housed hundreds of prostitutes and their illegitimate children, a place they regarded as a great shame to the town. But they were in for a greater shame!
A few of the prostitutes stepped forward, pointed to the many fatherless and pitiful children and uttered these few but pungent words:
"Look at these children! Their fathers could be standing among you all now!"
The above incident sounds like a good example in our modern society of the story of the woman caught in adultery but who was rescued and forgiven of her sin by Jesus Christ. (John 8:1-11)
What is more important is not the outcome of the incident but the moral lessons it embodies. We are to be compassionate, merciful and forgiving when judging or punishing those regarded as wrong doers, being mindful that we are also fallible human beings.
Crimson Woo

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