Monday, March 26, 2012

Henry Nott's First Convert in 22 Years

In 1797, Henry Nott was the first missionary to Tahiti. During his first five years on the mission field, three missionaries were killed and four others deserted the field. Henry built a friendship with the island’s chief Pomare, and soon new missionaries arrived to help support Henry.

Then in 1803, Pomare he died and his son assumed the title Pomare II. He was even more vicious and violent than his father. After eight years of fruitless labor and the missionary house being ransacked, six more missionaries abandoned Tahiti, again leaving Nott alone to minister. He repeatedly went on long, arduous preaching tours throughout the island. He spent months and years over his lexicons, in the study of Hebrew and Greek, and in the translation of the New and Old Testaments into the language of Tahiti.

Henry did not see his first convert until he had been in Tahiti 22 years. It took several decades, but he was successful in translating the Bible into the Tahitian language.

Henry returned to England only two times during 47 years on the field. His perseverance at preaching the Word finally took hold in Tahiti.  

The Lord asks us to be faithful both in season and out of season. In His time, He will bless. Today in prayer, praise Jesus for His great patience and seek to be patient in all that you do.

"Obedience is the fruit of faith; patience the bloom on the fruit."  - Christina Rossetti

By Peter Kennedy

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