Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Rich Are You?

One day, a rich man took his son on a trip to the country side. He wanted to impress upon his son that earning money was the most important thing in life. 

His plan was to use the shock tactic. He wanted to show the young lad how poor and deprived a person in poverty could really be. 

For a few days, the father and son spent time on the farm with a poor farmer and his family. 

On the way home, the rich man asked, "Did you see what poverty is all about? What did you learn?".

The son contemplated for a while and said with the fullest sincerity, "Dad, thank you so much. I really learn something these few days."

"For example. we have only one dog, they have four."

"We have a swimming pool but they have rivers and streams to swim in."

"We have to switch on our lights at night but they have moon and stars that need no switches."

"We have to buy foods but they grow theirs."

"We take frozen foods out of our two fridges but they take fresh foods from their backyard and open fields."

"We have walls to protect us, they have friends."

"We have encyclopedias, they have Bible." 

"We have lawyers, they have God."

Then the lad concluded his observation, "Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are."

The father fainted. 

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