Wednesday, December 5, 2012

English Subtitles Used In Hong Kong Movies

The following are actual English subtitles used in films from Hong Kong.

* I am darn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

* Fatty, you with your thick face have hurt my instep.

* Gun wounds again?

* A normal person wouldn't steal pituitaries.

* I'll burn you into a BBQ chicken.

* Take my advice, or I'll spank you a lot.

* Who gave you the nerve to get killed here?

* I'll fire aimlessly if you don't come out!

* I will surround their house by myself.

* You daring lousy guy.

* Beat him out of recognizable shape!

* I have been scared silly too much lately.

* I got knife scars more than the number of your leg's hair!

* Beware! Your bones are going to be disconnected.

* The bullets inside are very hot. Why do I feel so cold?

* The Americans will not save you for Christmas.

* Both of you will die when the sun hits the bell.

* You always use violence. I should've ordered glutinous rice chicken.

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