Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blaming the Circumstances

The newest member of a country club was taking his initiatory round of golf with the club's officers. 

He was nervous about making a good impression. He teed up the ball, spread his feet apart, fixed his stance, and took a healthy swing. The golf club removed about a pound of turf, but left the ball intact. 

Terribly embarrassed, the man again planted his feet, took another healthy swing, and again, totally missed the ball. 

Although thoroughly exasperated, once again he spread his feet apart, fixed his stance, and took a vibrant swing - and for the third time missed. 

Whereupon he looked up and said, "Wow, this sure is a tough course."

Many of us are more like that golfer than we care to admit. We spend our time and energy blaming our problems on circumstances and conditions and cultural contexts, when we should be changing our stance.

- Leonard Sweet

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