Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Holy Spirit And The Bears

The Holy Spirit empowers us against the enemy (1 Jn 4:4): A number of years ago, a movie came out called The Bear, and it went something like this: 

Once upon a time, there was a mummy bear and a baby bear, and they were so happy together. Then one day an accident happened and the mummy bear died, leaving the little baby bear all alone in the world. 

One day the poor defenceless baby bear was out minding his own business when he was spotted by a big, mean, hungry mountain lion. 

The baby bear started to run; he was trapped next to the river and jumped in. 

The mean and nasty mountain lion followed him downstream to where the baby bear came ashore at a crossing. 

The baby bear was trapped again and made a puny, squeaky sound as the mountain lion closed in for the kill. 

Then suddenly, the baby bear stood to his feet, opened his mouth, and there was a massive great roar. 

The mountain lion suddenly remembered that he had something else to do, and ran for his life, terrified. 

How did the little baby bear do that? The cameras panned round, and there standing behind the baby bear was the hugest, most ferocious daddy bear.

Please watch the video here

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