Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It Only Took An Hour

Image result for timber yard burning
Back in the old country, there was a Pastor who invested his life savings in timber. When a forest fire broke out and his finances literally went up in smoke, the Pastor’s friends worried about how to break the devastating news to him. They hemmed and hawed until the Pastor said, “You’re afraid to tell me about the fire, aren’t you?”
“You know?” they asked surprised.
“I found out about an hour ago.”
“And you’re not upset?” they asked.
“I was,” he answered, “I’m over it now.”
“It was only an hour ago!”
“Tell me,” said the Pastor, “Didn’t you once suffer a loss by fire? Why aren’t you distraught about it?”
“My fire was 10 years ago.”
“OK, so for you, it took 10 years. For me, it took an hour. The point is we both got over it.”
The truth here is that it is not the passage of time itself that heals but it is the right perspective that brings healing. 

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