Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Releasing The Donkey

Image result for donkey tied to tree

A donkey was tied to a tree. A demon came and released him. The donkey entered the field of a farmer and began to eat everything. 

The farmer’s wife saw the donkey and was afraid that it would destroy the farm, took the rifle and killed it.

The donkey’s owner saw the dead donkey, got angry and also took his rifle and fired at the farmer's wife, killing her. 

When the farmer came home and saw that his wife was dead, he killed the donkey's owner.

The sons of the donkey owner, upon seeing that their father was dead, they burned the farmer's field. 

The farmer, in retaliation, shot and killed all of them.

The farmer was arrested and went to the gallow. 

When all the dead souls in hell asked the demon what he had done, the demon said:

"I did nothing evil, I just released the donkey."

Did you get it? The devil does not need to do much, and he is able to trigger the evil intention of human hearts to harm each other. 

So, let's consider carefully before seeking revenge! Be careful with how you respond to any situation because the only thing the devil needs to do is to“release the donkey”.

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