Monday, April 27, 2020

New Pastor Walks On Water

Illusion of man walking on reflective water by Matthew Spaulding ...

The congregation was not certain that the new pastor could do all that the previous, older pastor had done. The Pastor Search Committee decided to put him to the test. 

After the service, everyone went out to the local lake for a picnic. 

After loading all of the picnic supplies into a large boat, the congregation climbed aboard and began to cross the lake to an island. 

Halfway across the lake a member stood up and said, "Oh no, we have forgotten the hot dogs. Someone will have to swim back and get them." 

Realizing he was being put to the test, the new pastor got out of the boat, walked across the water, and retrieved the hot dogs. 

Most of the congregation was stunned but one critic said, "See, I told you, they didn't even send us one who could swim." 

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