As you drive your car on a daily basis, you may be aware of only a few of its many parts.
You turn the steering wheel, look into the rear-view mirror, adjust your radio station, press the gas and brake pedals, and move the turn signal up or down.
You probably notice only a few of your vehicle's parts. But do you know how many parts the average automobile has? 14,000! according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Though only a few of those parts may be noticed on any particular trip, all of them together make up the automobile that gets you around.
It's the same way in church life. Though only a few members may get much notice, it takes all the parts to make up the body of Christ.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 12:27).
Reference: The Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 1, 2002, "Automobile," pp. 727-728
Reference: The Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 1, 2002, "Automobile," pp. 727-728