Welcome to Albert's Sermon Illustrations

In this blog, I have collected many stories, quotes, jokes and ideas that I use regularly in my sermons.I have tried to put in the sources and origins of these illustrations. If I have missed some or gotten the wrong sources, please let me know. I will update them. Feel free to use these illustrations for the glory of God. If you have some illustrations that you like to contribute, kindly add them to my blog, so that I and others may benefit from them. God bless!
Reverend Albert Kang

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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Upside Down World

Image result for upside down room

During Hollywood's golden years there were many people in the film industry who were known for their practical jokes. One of the best known and most creative of these was a fellow by the name of Jack McDermott.

McDermott had a house replete with secret tunnels and sliding panels. The house featured a hidden room which was upside down. The rugs and furniture were fastened to the ceiling; and the drapes, pictures and even the fireplace were upside down. The floor had an elaborate chandelier thrust upwards from its center. When a house guest would have too much to drink, McDermott would take him into this special room and place him on the floor. You can imagine what it felt like to wake up there.

In contrast to the values of today's world Christians seem to live in a room that is upside down. When we are faithful to our beliefs we seem out of step with everyone else. Our faithfulness is paramount.

Lord Jesus, it is not easy living in this upside down world. Remind me often that my home is with you. Amen.

Sales Department and Not Management

Image result for golfing in the rain

A pastor who was an avid golfer was taking part in a local golf tournament. As he prepared to tee off, storm clouds rolled in. 

The organizer of the tournament pointed them out to the pastor and said with a smile, "Preacher, I trust you’ll see to it that the weather won't turn bad on us." 

The pastor shook his head and said, "Sorry. I'm in sales, not management!"

When we pray, minister, share our faith, and follow God's guidance, it's important—and liberating—to remember that the results aren't up to us. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It Only Took An Hour

Image result for timber yard burning
Back in the old country, there was a Pastor who invested his life savings in timber. When a forest fire broke out and his finances literally went up in smoke, the Pastor’s friends worried about how to break the devastating news to him. They hemmed and hawed until the Pastor said, “You’re afraid to tell me about the fire, aren’t you?”
“You know?” they asked surprised.
“I found out about an hour ago.”
“And you’re not upset?” they asked.
“I was,” he answered, “I’m over it now.”
“It was only an hour ago!”
“Tell me,” said the Pastor, “Didn’t you once suffer a loss by fire? Why aren’t you distraught about it?”
“My fire was 10 years ago.”
“OK, so for you, it took 10 years. For me, it took an hour. The point is we both got over it.”
The truth here is that it is not the passage of time itself that heals but it is the right perspective that brings healing.