Welcome to Albert's Sermon Illustrations

In this blog, I have collected many stories, quotes, jokes and ideas that I use regularly in my sermons.I have tried to put in the sources and origins of these illustrations. If I have missed some or gotten the wrong sources, please let me know. I will update them. Feel free to use these illustrations for the glory of God. If you have some illustrations that you like to contribute, kindly add them to my blog, so that I and others may benefit from them. God bless!
Reverend Albert Kang

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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wang Ming Dao - No More A Judas

Wang Ming Dao and his wife, Liu Jingwen

Reverend Wang Ming Dao (王明道) served as the Pastor of Christian Tabernacle, Peking’s largest church. During Communist's persecution, he was thrown into prison because of his testimony and ministry. At the hands of his perpetrators, he was tortured for his faith.

Fearing even greater suffering, Dao recanted his belief in Christ and was released by the authorities. He quickly regretted his decision and was seen walking the streets of the city weeping and mumbling, “I am Judas! I have betrayed my Lord!”

Within a few weeks, he was unable to bear the guilt and shame any longer. He returned to the Communist authorities, confessed his faith in Christ, and asked to be put back in prison.

For the next twenty-seven years, he suffered the abuse of prison life but never again entertained the thought of denying his Lord. When Dao was released at the end of his life, the Chinese church considered him a hero who had given strength and assurance to the many who faced the perpetual threat of persecution and imprisonment.

Enduring faith will experience doubts, struggles, and disappointment. It happened to John the Baptist, to Paul, to Jesus and it will happen to every person who seeks to walk in Christ-like obedience. In times of spiritual crisis, may we be inspired by both the success and failure of people like Wang Ming Dao.
The Vision of His Glory, Anne Graham Lotz, 1996, p. 81

Monday, March 23, 2020

Acrostic for SALVATION

Sin: separates us from God, and hurts us and others. It is something we have all done, but can’t pay the penalty for. Romans 3:23, 6:23.

Atonement: Christ’s death paid the price for my sin. Romans5:6-15.

Love: God loved us so much that He sacrificed Himself for our sin. Luke 19:10.

Victory: With the help of God the Holy Spirit, it is possible to live a holy life, victorious over temptation, including the temptation to take credit for our own salvation. Psalm 13:5-6; John 17:6-26, Romans 6:1-2, 1Thessalonians 5:5-11.

Attractiveness: A victorious life should be attractive to other people. John 7:37-39, Acts 16:25-34.

Teaching: Jesus told his disciples to teach all nations, and to make disciples of converts. Converts should learn from the Bible on their own, and be part of a teaching church. Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke24:45-49, 2 Peter 3:17-18.

Immortality: Believers, whose sins have been paid for, are promised immortality with Christ. Ephesians 1:11-14, Romans 6:23

Overcoming: The church, and individual Christians, seem to be weak, at times. But Christ has promised that the true church – composed of actual believers, not necessarily church members – will endure. Matthew 16:18, Revelation 2:8-11.

New life, with purpose, and with fruit: Those who have experienced salvation should manifest the Fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians5:22-23) They will also participate, often with others, in attracting new believers, especially by serving, giving, testifying and praying. John 15:8, Acts 6:7, 11:27-29, Romans 12:4-8, Matthew 25:31-46. They will have intimacy with God. Matthew 10:16-20, John 14:16-16:15.

Christian Acronyms and Acrostics

AAA - Approved. Anointed. Appointed.
ABC - Accept. Believe. Confess.
ACE - Active Christian Evangelism
ACROSTIC - Awesome Christ Reigns. Our Saviour. Trust In Christ
ACTS - Adoration. Contrition. Thanksgiving. Supplication.
ADVANCE - Almighty Delivers Victory, Always Needing Candidates Eternal
AGA - Awaiting God's Arrival
AGLOW - Announce God's Love Our Witness
ALIENS - A Light In Every Neighbourhood and School/Adolescents Living to Impact Everyone with News of Salvation
AMEN - All Mighty Eternal Name
APE - Always Pray Everyday
ARCH - Always Represent Christ's Haven
ARMOUR - Amazing Redemption Makes Our Understanding Realized
ARROWS - Army Running the Race Of Winning Souls
ASAP - Always Say A Prayer
ASK - Approach the Servant King/Ask. Seek. Knock.
BABE - Born Again Believer Eternally
BAC - Born Again Christian
BAD - Blessed And Delievered
BASIC - Become A Soldier In Christ/Brothers And Sisters In Christ
BEAUTY - Be Ever And Utterly Trusting Yahweh
BEG - Believe Everything Greater
BELIEVE - Blessed Everywhere Living In Eternal Victory Everlasting
BENEFITS - Bread for the soul. Enjoyment. Nearness of God. Encouragement. Foundation. Inspiration. Truth. Security.
BIBLE - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
BIG - Believe In God/Bold In God
BIG FISH - Believers in God, Faithful In Serving Him
BIG WHEEL - Because In God We Have Eternal Everlasting Life
BIGOTRY - Bring In God's Own, Through Religious Youth
BIRD FLU - Believe In Redeemer Deeply, Fear Leaves Us
BLIND - Bible Lovers Involving Neophyte Discussion
BLOOD - Bought Life Out Of Death
BMW - Bestow Me Wisdom
BOUNCE - Being Obedient Unto New Covenant Eternally
BREAD - Bible Reveals Every Answer Daily
BREATHE - Believe Righteousness Eventually Arrives To Handle Everything
BUG - Bestowed Under God
BUSY - Being Under Satan's Yoke
BYE - Bless You Eternally
CALL - Christ Almighty Loving Lord
CANCER - Confidence in God. Amazing grace. Never forsaken, never alone. Christ, the Solid Rock. Eternity with God, my Father. Rejoicing in Hope, my Savior.
CARAMEL - Christ Almighty Redeemer And Master Eternally Loves
CARE - Christ Always Remembers Everyone/Christ's Arms Reach Everyone/Come And Rest Everyday
CAREER - Christ Always Rules Eternal Everlasting Redeemer
CASH - Christians Always Say Hallelujah
CAT - Creator And Teacher
CELEBRATE - Christ Equally Loves Everyone By Redeeming And Transforming Everyone
CEO - Christians Encouraging Others
CHAOS - Christ's Help Amidst Our Suffering
CHARITY - Carefully Helping According to Rigteous Insights of Testimony and Yeshua
CHICK - Choose Happiness in Christ's Kingdom
CHRIST - Certainly His Resurrection Is Supreme Truth
CHRISTIAN - Compassionate. Helpful. Righteous. Inspirational. Servant. Testamony. Intercessor. Ambassador. Nurturing.
CHRISTMAS - Christ Must Arrive Soon/Christ My Annointed Saviour/Christ child. Heavenly hosts. Redeemer. Israel. Star. The wisemen. Manger. Angels. Shepherds.
CHUMP - Come Help Us Make Progress
CIA - Christ Is Alive/Christian In Action
CIGAR - Christ Is Gracious And Reliable
CIRCLE - Christ Is Righteous, Christ Loves Everone
CK - Christ the King
CLAP - Christ Loves All People
CLIP - Christ Lives In People
COFFEE - Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everyday
COG - Children Of God
COLD - Call Our Lord Directly
COLLEGE - Christ Our Loving Lord Enriches Groups Eternally
COMPASSION - Christ Of Mercy Peace And Strength Stays In Others Now
CONFIDENCE - Christ Overseeing Needs, Faith, Insight, Dedication, Enrichment, New Creation Emerges
COOL - Christ Our Only Lord/Christ Over Our Lives
COPS - Christian Operated Prayer Support/Christians Obediently Preaching Salvation
CORE - Christians On Road to Excellence
COURAGE - Christ Our Ultimate Redeemer, Almighty God Eternal
CRASH - Come Rejoice And Sing Hallelujah
CREAK - Christ Reigns Eternally As King
CREW - Christ Reaching Everyone Worldwide/Christ Redeemed Everyone Willingly/Christ Rewards Everyone’s Work
CROSS - Christ Relieves Our Shameful Sins/Christ Rescues Our Sacred Souls/Compassion Reaching Out Saving Sinners
CRUSH - Christ Rescued Us Sinners, Hallelujah!
CSI - Constant Scripture Investigation
DIGNITY - Deliverance In God, Now I Trust You
DIGS - Delight In God's Salvation
DISCIPLE - Determination. Intercession. Servant. Commitment. Integrity. Perseverance. Love. Evangelism.
DIVAS - Divine Inspired Victory Against Satan
DJWW (WWJD Backwards) - Devil Just Won't Win
DOG - Depend On God
DORK - Daughters Of The Risen King
DRAMA - Deliverer. Redeemer. Almighty. Messiah. Anointed./Divine Redemption And Mercy Abounds/Don't Run Away, My Angel!
DUH - Don't Underestimate Him
DUMMY - Doctrine Unites More and More Youths
EAGLE - Embrace Abba God's Love Everyday
EASTER - Ever Alive Savior's Testament of Eternal Redemption/Exciting Awesome Stupendous Terrific Excellent Resurrection
EGO - Edging God Out
EGR - Extra Grace Required
EQUIP - Easy and Quickly Unified In Prayer
ERIC - Eternally Righteous In Christ
ETERNITY - Everlasting Truth, Everlasting Righteousness, Now Imparted To You
FAITH - Faith Achieves Impossible Things Humbly/Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him/Fearlessly Advancing In Triumph Hope/Finding Amens In Today's Harshness/Firm Acclaimation Involving The Holy Spirit/Flaming Arrows In The Hand/For(saking) All I Trust Him/Forsaking All In Taking Him/Forwarding All Issues To Heaven/Full Assurance In The Heart
FEAR - Face Everything And Rise/Failure Expected And Received/False Expectations Appearing Real/Forget Everything And Run
FINE - Feeling In Need of Encouragement
FIRE - Focus Intently Reaching Everyone
FISH - Faith In Stormy Hours/Faith Is Super Human/First I Seek Him/Forever I Serve Him
FLESH - Following Learning Engaging Sinful Habits
FOCUS - Fixed On Christ Each Day
FOCUSED - Fixed On Christ's Unlimited Supply Every Day
FOG - Full Of God
FOOL - Forgetting and Overlooking Our Lord
FORGIVE - Forgive Others Readily and Graciously Inviting Victory Eternal
FREE - Forgiveness. Release. Expect. Equip.
FREEDOM - For a Really Exciting Escape, Depend On the Messiah
FRETS - Focus Returned Exclusively To Satan
FRIEND - Fully Reliable In Each New Difficulty
FROG - Fully Rely On God
FROGLA - Fresh Revelation Of God's Love and Acceptance
FROGS - Forgive. Respect. Obey. Give Thanks. Serve./Friends Relying On God's Strength
FROLIC - Father Reaches Out Love In Christ
FRUIT - Friends Revealing Understandings In Truth
GAP - Give And Pray/God Answers Prayers/Gossiping About People
GAEC - God Almighty Eternal Christ
GBH - God Blesses Humans
GHOST - God Holds Others So Tenderly
GIFT - God Incarnate For Thee
GIFTS - God Is Forever The Same/God Is Forgiving To Sinners
GIG - God Is Great
GIGGLE - God Is Great Giving Life Eternal
GIMP - God Is My Provider
GIOTW - God Is Over This Website/God Is Overseeing The World
GIRAFFE - God Inspires Reverence Affection Forgiveness For Ever
GIVE - Generously give from the heart. Invest in God's Kingdom. Vital to spiritual growth. Expect eternal dividends!
GLARE - God Loves And Reigns Eternally
GLASS - God Loves And Saves Sinners
GLEE - God Loves Everyone Equally
GLORY - Grow. Love. Offer. Reach. Yearn.
GLUE - God Loves Us Eternally
GOAL - God Offers Abundant Life
GOD - God Our Defender/Great. Omnipotent. Deity.
GOGGLE - God Of Glory Gives Life Eternal
GOLF - God Offers Love and Forgiveness
GOLIATH - God Of Love Is Always There Helping
GORF (FROG Backwards) - God Our Righteous Friend
GOSPEL - Glad tidings. Offer pardon. Salvation. Peace. Eternal life. Lasting joy./Go Over Seas Preaching Everlasting Life/God Offers Sinful People Eternal Life/God's Only Son Provide Everlasting Life
GPS - Get People Saved/Getting People Saved/Getting People to Salvation/Getting Prayers Said/God's Plan of Salvation/God's Priority System/God Provides Salvation/Gospel Preaching Soldiers/Gracious Powerful Saviour/Great Personal Saviour
GRACE - God Really Covers Everything/God's Redemption At Calvary Expressed/God's Riches At Christ's Expense
GRADE - God Reigns And Delights Eternally
GRAPE - God Redeems All People Everywhere
GREASE - God Redeems Everyone And Saves Everyone
GREAT - God Reigns Eternal And Triumphant/God Reigns Eternally And Totally
GREAT HATS - God Reaches Everyone And Through Him Are They Saved
GRIM - God Reigns In Majesty
GROAN - God Rules Over All Nature
GROWTH - God Reaches Out Willingly To Help
GST - Get Saved Today
GTG - Give To God/Glory To God
GULF - God's Unfailing Love Forever
GUM - God Use Me
GUST - Give Up Sins & Temptations
HAIR GEL - Holy And Immortal Righteous God Enriches Lives
HAPPY - His Awesome Presence Perfecting You
HAWK - Heaven's A Wonderful Kingdom
HEAL - He Encourages And Lifts
HEALED - Healed. Encouraged. Accepted. Loved. Empowered. Delivered./Heavens Eternity And Love Endowed Directly
HEART -  Humility. Enthusiasm. Attitude. Relationship. Trust.
HEAVEN - Having Eventually A Victorious Eternal Name
HEDGE - Help with Evil Devil Garbage Eradication
HELP - His Ever Loving Presence
HEROES - He Ever Reigns Our Everlasting Savior.
HIGH - Healed In God's Hands/Holy Is God Hallelujah!
HIGH FEVER - Healed In God's Hands, Faith Empowers, Vitalises, Edifies & Restores
HIGHER - He Is God, Holy Eternal Redeemer
HIP - Heaven Is Perfect
HIS - Hallelujah, I'm Saved/Happiness Is Salvation/Humbly I Serve
HOLE - His Overwhelming Love Everlasting
HOPE - Having Only Positive Expectations/He Offers Peace Everyday/His Organised Plan Excells/Holding On, Pray Expectantly/Hold On, Pain Ends/Home Of Personal Encouragements
HOUSE - Holding Onto Ultimate Saviour Eternally
HSUP (PUSH Backwards) - Holy Spirit Unites People
HUG - Happy Under God/His Unlimited Grace
IBIG - I Believe In God
IHL - In His Love
IROCC - I Rely On Christ Completely
JAGUAR - Jesus Always Guides Us And Redeems
JANICE - Justified And New Inspiring Creature Empowered
JAPAN - Joy And Peace Are Needed
JCLU - Jesus Christ Loves You
JELLY - Jesus Eternally Loves Little You
JESUS - Jehova Eternally Saves Us Sinners/Jehovah's Everlasting Supernatural Unlimited Strength/Joy Everlasting Sealed with Unquenchable Spirit/Joy. Excitement. Satisfaction. Understanding. Salvation/Justifiably Every Sinner's Ultimate Sacrifice
JILL - Jesus Is Loving Lord
JIM - Jesus In Me!
JOY - Jesus Our Yes/Jesus Overshadows You/Jesus first. Others second. Yourself last.
JUICE - Justified by God. Under the blood. In Christ forever. Changed by the Holy Spirit. Empowered by His love.
JUMP - Jesus Understands My Problems
JUST - Jesus Understands Satan's Temptation
JUSTICE - Jesus Uses Salvation To Impart Correction Everywhere
JUSTIFIED - Just As If I'd (never sinned)
KFC - Keep Following Christ/Kids For Christ
KISS - Keep It Simple, Spiritually
KREW - Kids Reaching Everyone Worldwide
KRUMP - Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise
LEOPARD - Love Everyone Offer Prays And Repent Daily
LEPER - Love Every Person Equally Readily
LET GO - Leave Everything To God, Okay?
LIBERTY - Living In Belief Everlasting Redeemer Transforms You
LICE - Life In Christ Eternal
LIFE - Living In Faith Everyday/Love Is For Ever
LIFT - Living In Faith Together
LIGHT - Living In God's Historical Truths
LILY - Lord I Love You
LION - the Lord Is Our Navigator
LOAM - Lord Of All Mercy/Lord Of All Might/Lord Of All Majesty
LOGIC - Love Of God In Christ
LOL - Loving Our Lord
LOLLY - Lord Of Lords Loves You
LORD - Leader Of Real Believers
LOUD - Life. Obedience. Undignified. Delight.
LOVE - Letting Others View Emmanuel/Life Of Victorious Endearment/Limitless Obedience Via Effort/Live Out Victory Everyday/Living On Vital Energy/Listen. Overlook. Value. Encourage./Love Others Very Eagerly
LUCK - Living Under Christ's Kingdom/the Lord's Unchanging Care and Kindness
LUVS - Lifting Up Victorious Saviour
M&M - Memorizing & Meditating
MAD - Make A Difference
MAGIC - Mercy And Grace In Christ
MAGNET - Mercy And Grace Never Ever Tarnishes
MAYFLY - Mighty Are You Father Lord Yahweh
MERCY - Mankind Exempted and Released from Condemning Yoke/May Everyone Receive Christ and Yahweh/Messiah Erases all Reasons Condemning You/My Eternal Righteousness Cleanses You
MIDST - Messiah Is Delivering Salvation Today
MIGHTY - My Incredibly Great Holy Trustworthy Yahweh
MIRACLE - Magnificent, Insightful, Risen, Almighty, Caring, Love Endures/Most Incredible Redeemer Always Caring Loving Exalted
MORALITY - Mercy. Overcomer. Redeemer. Almighty. Loving. Insightful. Truths. Yahweh.
NBA - Never Be Alone
NECTAR - Now Exalt Christ Thank And Rejoice
NOW - No Opportunity Wasted
NUTS - Never Underestimate The Spirit
OGRE - Our God Reigns Eternally
OIL - Omnipresent Invincible Lord
OMG - Oh Mighty God
OOPS - Only One Personal Savior
OSAS - Once Saved Always Saved
OWL - One With the Lord
PATCH - Praise And Thank Christ Hallelujah!
PAW - Pray And Watch
PEACE - Perfect. Easy. Amazing. Comfort. Eternal./Perfect, Easy And Comfortable Existence/Pray Expectantly, Adore Christ Everyday/Pursuing Excellence After Christ's Example
PEPPER - Praise Everyone Praying Peacefully Everywhere Rightnow
PGA - Praise God Anyway
PHD - Practicing Healing & Deliverance
PIGS - Precious In God's Sight
POCKETS - People Of Christ's Kingdom Enjoy Their Saviour
POGO STICK - People Of God Obeying Standing Together In Christ's Kingship
POLICE - Preach to Other the Love In Christ Everyday
POP - Prince Of Peace
POPPY - Prince Of Peace Protects You
PORK - Praise Our Risen King
POTTER - Prayer Opens The Trail To Righteousness
POWER - Pray. Obey. Witness. Encourage. Remain faithful.
PRAISE - Pray continually. Read the Word every day. Acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Invest yourself in mentoring. Serve and share your faith. Encourage one another daily.
PRAY - Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield
PRAYER - Positive Reassuring Action Yielding Eternal Results/Power Released At Your Earnest Request
PUSH - Pray Until Something Happen
PYJAMAS - Praise You Jesus Awesome Messiah And Saviour
QUEEN - Quietly Unleashes Everlasting Eternal Needs
RABBIT - Read A Bible Because It’s True
REAL - Realizing Emmanuel's Almighty Love
REJOICE - Restoring Everlasting Joy Oneness In Christ Eternal
RELEASE - Renounce Enemies' Lies. Enter Almighty's Salvation Eternal.
RELIGION - Realizing Eternal Lord Is God, Informing Others Now!/Relying Everyday Loving Insightful God I Overcome Nonsense
REPENT - Renounce Evil Practices, Experience No Torment
REST - Rooted Everyday, Simply Trust
RESTORE - Reborn Everlasting Salvation To Overcome Revealing Eternity/Righteous, Everlasting, Salvation To Overcome, Renew and Empower
REVELATIONS - Regarding Eventual Victory, Expect Lucifer's Aides To Intervene Over Nations
REWARD - Really Exciting Wonders Aren't Richly Deserved/Receiving Eternity While At Redeemer's Door
RICH - Rejoice In Christ, Hallelujah
RICK - Rejoice In Christ's Kingdom
RIGHT - Rejoicing In God's Holy Truths
ROCK - Relying On Christ's Kingship/Relying On Christ's Knowledge/Relying On Christ the King
ROCK ON - Rely On Christ's Knowledge Overcome Negativity
RUN - Are You In?
SALVATION - Saved And Living Victoriously, As Though It's Only Natural/Strength Appointed, Love Anointed, Thanksgiving Inspired Other Comers Never giving up
SARS - Stand And Receive Salvation
SAVED - Salvation After Valuating Eternal Destiny
SEED - Securing Eternal Enduring Destiny/Sowing Eternal Extrication Daily
SERVE - Servants Eagerly Receive Valuable Eternity
SHINE - Serving Him In Never-ending Eagerness
SHIP - Safe Harbor In Peril
SHOUT - Share Hallelujah Orally Unto Triumph/Sing Hymns Of Unfailing Truths
SIGNAL - Safe In God's Nurturing Abundant Love
SIN - Self Inflicted Nonsense
SINUS - Saint Is Now Undoubtedly Secure
SMILE - Spiritual Mind Is Life Eternal
SMS - Savior Miraculously Saves
SOAP - Scripture. Observation. Application. Prayer.
SOFT - Saviour Of Faithful Truths/Seeking Out Faithful Truths
SOLDIER - Saints Opposing Lust and Demons, Into Eternal Righteousness
SOS - Save Our Souls/Savior Of Souls/Saviour Overcomes Sin/Serving One Saviour/Serving Only Saviour/Sight On Savior/Sing Our Songs
SPAM - Serving People Aids Me
SPEAK - Someone Prays Everyday About Kindness
SPIN - Serving People In Need
SPIRIT - Super-natural Power Impacting Reality with Insightful Truths
STAND - Simply Trust And Never Doubt
STOMP - Standing True On Messiah's Promises
STORM - Striving to Teach On Reaching More
STY - Sing To Yahweh
TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More
TED - Treasure Each Day
TGIF - Thank God I'm Forgiven
THANKS - Through His Annointing, Nullifies Killing Sickness/To Honour A Nail-pierced Kind Savior
THINGS -Trustful. Helpful. Inspirational. Necessary. God. Saviour.
THINK - Truthful. Helpful. Inspirational. Necessary. Kind.
THUMPER - Trusting Him Ultimate Messiah Providing Everlasting Redemption
TIA - Triumph In Almighty
TICKS - Trust In Christ King Supreme
TIGER - Trust In God & Everything's Right/Trusting In God's Eternal Redemption
TITHE - The Investment That He Endorses
TITLE - Trust In The Lord Everyday
TLC - Teens Learning of Christ/Teens Loving Christ
TOM - Take On More
TRINITY - Truth Revealed In Nazarene In Three Years/That Revealed In Nature Is: Three "You"
TRUST - Totally Reliant Upon Savior's Timing
TRUTH - The Real Understanding Through Him/The Real Union To Him/The Reality Underlying The Hypocrisy
TSUNAMI - Tackling Satan Ultimately Needs A Marvelous Intercessor
UNASHAMED - Under New Authority Savior Has Accepted My Eternal Deliverance
VICTOR - Valiant Is Christ Thank Our Redeemer
VICTORY - Victorious In Christ's Truth, Our Redeeming Yeshua
WAGES - We Are God's Eager Servants
WAIT - Wisdom and Answers In Time
WARRIORS - Women and men. Awakened. Removing the spiritual veils. Remembering the blood. Intoxicated in the Spirit. Offering help to those who God appointed them to. Raiding what Satan stole from them. Souls soldiering for Christ.
WASTE - Worry. Anger. Self-Pity. Tattling. Envy
WAYWARD - Why Are You Waiting And Risking Death?
WEALTH - Winning Eternal Amnesty by Loving and Trusting Him
WHAZZUP - Waiting Humbly And Zealously for Zion Unceasingly Praying
WHIZ - We Honor In Zeal
WHOLE - With Him Our Love's Eternal/Without Holiness One's Left Empty
WIGS - Worthy In God's Sight
WILD - Walk In Love Daily/Witness In Love Daily/Worship In Love Daily
WIPE - Work In Progress
WITNESS - Walking In Testimony Nearing Eternity, Salvation and Sanctification/Walking In The Nations Earnestly Saving Souls
WOMEN - Wonderfully and Overwhelmingly Meeting Eternal Needs
WORD - Wisdom Overflowing Reading Document
WORKS - Wonderful Omnipotent Redeeming Kind Savior
WORSHIP - We Only Really Serve Him In Praise/Wholehearted Obedience & Raising Simple Hands In Praise/Wonderful Omnipotent Redeeming Saviour Holy and Indefinitely Perfect
WTF - Worship The Father
WWJD - Walking With Jesus Daily/What Would Jesus Do
WWJD Backwards - Devil Just Won't Win
WWW - Worship Widely Willingly
WWYD - What Would You Do
YES - Yielding Everything to the Saviour
YET - Yes! Emmanuel Triumphs
YIMP - You're In My Prayers
YOU - Yeshua Oversees and Understands
YOUTH - Yahweh Our Unyielding True Hosanna
YUCK - Youth Under Christ the King