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Quotable Quotes By Pastor Albert |
A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit does not tango with the devil.
God may take you out of Egypt but can He take Egypt out of you?
With God, David became the Giant and Goliath became a dwarf. The distinction is in God and not in David or Goliath.
Our God is bigger than all the Goliaths that we will ever face.
God will never lead you to a battle that you cannot win.
When He leads you there, He intends to fight the battle through you. Go in the name of the Lord.
Great faith is faith that takes God at His Word! May I never doubt your Word again!
If speaking in tongues cannot be managed, then why did Apostle Paul write a whole chapter about it?
No matter how you feel, get back to praising God.
Praise and Worship will lead you back to the Presence of God.
The servant, with the one talent, did not only bury his talent, he actually did that because he despised his master.
God gave you a mind and a will. It's up to you to use them effectively. Trust Him and see the Red Sea of your life open!
The woman, with an issue of blood, did not only believe but acted upon her belief. She received her miracle!
Do you believe?
When your Theology is against moving your mountain, dump it.
Let Faith move your mountain.
Evaluate your relationships.
They can either build your faith in God or break your focus on the things of God.
Choose wisely.
Losers complain endlessly about their mountains. Champions command their mountains to get lost in the mighty name of Jesus!
Some miracles will come through spittle and mud. Some through laying of hands. Both are from Christ.
Because Jesus lives, we can face death. And when the finality of this life comes, aren't we glad that the beginning of Eternal life is right in front of us. AK
God's assignments are always within the confine of certain geographical locations at a certain seasons of your life. If you are not excelling in your present location, find out whether that is the place and time that you have been assigned. When you are where you are assigned, you will find the greatest fulfillment in your ministry. AK
Your enemies are not people who hate you but those who cannot be happy for your success. They try to devalue every good thing that God has blessed you with and only highlight your flaws and past sins. They are the ones who call the miracles of God that come through your ministry as the works of Beelzebub. Do not waste your time trying to explain your position to them. Stay focused on God's assignment for you and fulfill God's purpose in your life. AK
Everything you do is a seed. It can be a seed of blessing or curse. As you sow your words and actions, these seeds embed themselves in the hearts of others. They can grow to a hundredfold of blessings or pain. Therefore, let everything that you say and do be an extension of God's love, grace, mercy and of course, blessings. AK
George Eliot once said, "It's never too late to be what you might have been." Nobody can succeed for you and nobody can fail for you. God has given you your life and He wants you to be responsible for it. You can maximize it for His glory or waste it because of your fear or doubt. AK
We judge others harshly because the chances are that we are under judgement ourselves. We become more gracious with others and magnanimous in our relationships when we ourselves come under the grace and mercy of God. AK
When your path seems blocked and life gets stuck with the daily mundane chores, open your heart up to the King of kings. Let those words of praise escape from your feeble lips and touch Him who loves you. Soon your heart will make room for the King to come and to be saturated with His holy presence. AK
Season your heart with the Words of God and what you produce will be palatable words of encouragement and kind actions that add value to other lives. People around you will not be able to see you because they will be seeing Christ instead. AK
People with weak faith talk about their mountains until they grow out of proportion. People with deep faith talk to their mountains until they move out into the ocean. AK
God does not need our permission to do His miracles. However, He loves it if we at least believe in Him and His mighty works. Trust Him and have faith that He can do all things! With Him, nothing is impossible. AK
Team work is absolutely important - we work together so that we may grow together in both "being" and "doing", fruits and gifts, journey inward and journey outward. Only an accountability team has enough brothers and sisters to be mirrors for one another. ^_^ AK
The fruits in the Promised Land are there but you will never taste them if you do not reach out for them. They are within your reach but God never places them in your mouths. The promises of God are within your reach too... and you must be willing to cross your River Jordan, conquer your giants, subdue your oppositions, possess the Land and ultimately to taste the fruits of a victorious lifestyle. (AK)
Every associate or friend is a center of influence. Like underwater currents, they can sweep you off your feet with their unseen power of influence. They can sweep you towards your God-given purpose or away from it. So, watch and evaluate every friendship. (AK)
Do not compare the lessons that God gives you with those of other people around you. Your life is unique and God has designed unique lessons that you must take so as to ultimately form you to become the person whom He wants you to be. (AK)
Even though we say "Church Growth", we are actually saying, "Making Disciples of Christ". Having a large church with only a few true disciples of Christ is like a 350 lbs man - big but mostly fat. AK
Does the rose complain that it is created for a short time to blossom, smile at the world, share its sweet fragrance and ultimately wither away? Does it refuse to be a rose just because of its extremely short life? Who are you supposed to be in this life and are you maximizing your life? (AK)
We the Christians may not save the souls of unbelievers because only Jesus Christ does that but we are the bridge by which they cross and the light by which they see (AK)
The future, that you worry so much about, is already in the hands of God. Fear not, allow the future to draw you into its unknown mystery... for wherever it leads you, it cannot lead you out of the will and care of the Father. AK
When God gives you a flower, He watches what you will do with it. You may smell it, put it aside, or even crush and throw it away. The flower is yours to keep. However, what will definitely thrill God's heart is when you give the flower back to Him... for only in His hands, the flower lives forever. AK
Life should not be lived in such a way that you arrive at the grave in perfect condition, looking your best. It should be totally used up for the kingdom of God. Your life should be fully spent in every avenue of blessings and when you reach heaven, all the angels will gather to exclaim, "Wow, what a life!" AKLearning to smile is very important for us, the children of God. For with it, we speak all languages of the world and touch nations for Christ. AK
Thank you, Lord, for our sink that is full of dirty dishes. This means that Grace and I have plenty to eat. Thank you, Lord, for all those unwashed clothes. We have more than enough clothes to spare. Thank you, Lord, for all the animal hairs in the house. We are blessed with so many lovely pets. ^_^ AK
We are told to shine like Jesus. How do we shine? By doing good to others... even though some do not deserve our act of kindness. Where does light shine best? In darkness, of course!
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven". (Matthew 5:16) AK
God will carve a path out of the Red Sea for His people who are called according to His purpose. AK
To take the Seven Mountains, we do not just dominate them by becoming the leaders of these spheres of influence. All the social works and deeds of kindness that come with the responsibilities of our office are good. However, when we come only with words and concepts but no power, we are no better than the other religious agencies, secular social workers and politicians. AK
We are told to shine like Jesus. How do we shine? By doing good to others... even though some do not deserve our act of kindness. Where does light shine best? In darkness, of course!
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven". (Matthew 5:16) AK
God will carve a path out of the Red Sea for His people who are called according to His purpose. AK
To take the Seven Mountains, we do not just dominate them by becoming the leaders of these spheres of influence. All the social works and deeds of kindness that come with the responsibilities of our office are good. However, when we come only with words and concepts but no power, we are no better than the other religious agencies, secular social workers and politicians. AK
People who say that they have never experienced miracles do not recognize that their friends are wonderful miracles from God. (AK)
Friends are the siblings whom God blesses us with as we travel this journey of life. AK
We have a problem as Christians - out of 100 unbelievers, only one will read the Bible while the other 99 will read the Christians. Wow, we have to lean on the Holy Spirit so that He can help us to live a life worthy of the name of Christ. (AK)
Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your present and future. Pray for them whenever they come to your mind. AK
IT'S TIME TO DREAM AGAIN - Are you hurting? Are you in a crisis? Did the doctors say that you have no more hope? You are not dead yet and GOD HAS A DREAM FOR YOU. When God gives you a dream, He looks for you to become a willing dreamer who believes. AK
If you maintain a teachable spirit, all the knowledge that God has for you will become available. AK
THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT - Bearing fruits alone is not enough because we must bear the right kind of fruits. We may try to trick God by tying apples onto our pear tree. However that will not work. A pear tree cannot bear apples. Jesus said, "Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" (Matthew 7:16-20, NIV). AK
Do we have this in our church today? Are we even rejoicing when our ministers come back with reports of miracles? --- The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them. (Acts 15:12) AK
God is vibrant, joyful and powerful. His presence should always give us a sense of great excitement and we should enjoy fullness of spirit. AK
The believers are those who have discovered an incredible richness of life that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. AK
God pushes us to the BEYOND because it is over the BEYOND that we learn how to fly. AK
Grace means showing love and concern to people who are not like us. AK
Faith honors God and God honors faith! Praise God for a blessed service today! We learned that God will never lead us to the place where He cannot guide us. He will never allow us to encounter danger without the corresponding strength to overcome. AK
Can we trust the advice of doctors who advocate abortion? A doctor also advised Andrea Bocelli's mother to abort Andrea. College football star Tim Tebow (now back-up quarterback for the Denver Broncos) revealed that doctors recommended abortion to his mother after she became sick in the Philippines. AK
Human impossibilities are God’s opportunities. Nothing is impossible to God, not even to heal the most impossible diseases! AK
KEEPING FROM EVIL -- What can we say about this evil that is in the hearts of men and women?
The fact is that while we may be shocked by the tragedies, we must recognize that we, ourselves, also have the capacity to do evil. If we were to be thrown into a situation where hatred is rife and anger is common, would our moral foundation collapse? How about a civilized
society where there are prosperity and peace? Will we find evil there?
The sad fact is that evil can be found almost anywhere. We just need to look at our own society and we will find evil reeking within. AK
We cry out to God because our nest is shaking and only to realize that God is the One who is shaking our nest! AK
I was complaining about having too many birthdays until I realize that Birthdays are good for you - the more you have, the longer you live! ^_^ AK
Let's go to Church today and worship together as the Body of Christ. This is important because we have to get used to what we will be doing together in heaven for eternity. GO to Church and worship .... then GO and make disciples of all nations. AK
Sometimes, it is better to hang on the vine like a bunch of grapes and enjoy the life of Christ flowing through us than trying to work, work, work and work just to get God's approval. AK
Real success is achieving God’s goals in your life! AK
In the Gospel, Jesus NEVER PRAYED FOR THE SICK. there is not recorded a single miraculous healing in which the miracle was a direct result of His prayer to the Father on behalf of the afflicted person. Rather, Jesus utilized His God-given authority and power to heal the sick.... In every instance, he DID NOT PRAY but COMMANDED THE INFIRM TO BE HEALED. AK
To be a Missional Church is not simply how many people minister inside our church, but how many minister outside our church. AK
Night never exists as the sun always shines. It's only dark because we live in the shadow of the sun. So often, Christians are not victorious because they only live in the shadow of the Son and not the light of the Son. AK
Have you heard of THE CAMBRIDGE SEVEN?
These faithful men had served God for their generation. Their testimonies proved that when lives are fully committed to the Lord, they will create great impact upon their generation for the kingdom of God.
May God raise up more faithful men and women to serve our generation. AK
What the Elijah Challenge trainers have taught is the Authority to Heal instead of the Gift of Healing. During the training, before believers are healed, they are asked to confess and repent of their sins. The reason is for believers their healing is conditional. (Matthew 5:24) AK
Hide me now under Your wings. Cover me within Your mighty hand. When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm. Father You are King over the flood I will be still and know You are God. AK
The point is that what we see is what we will become. That is, if I see myself as a loser, a loser I will be. If I see myself as a winner, a winner I will be. As Jesus said to the blind men, "According to your faith will it be done to you." And what is faith? It is visualizing or seeing what God wants you to be and, with his help, acting on what you see to make it happen. AK
There are certain prayers that God does not like to hear - for example, when you pray, "God, please send people to our church". He has asked you to GO and make disciples and now you ask Him to GO and do the work for you. So, is He God or you are His god? AK
You cannot go back and change a bad beginning but you start today and create a great future. By the grace and power of God, you can do it "through Christ who gives you strength" (Philippians 4:13) AK
If you are a Disciple of Christ, God has given you the authority and power to heal the sick whenever you share the Gospel. Wherever Jesus sent His Disciples, He gave them the same authority and power (Luke 9 and 10). Attend this Elijah Challenge Healing Seminar and learn how to exercise your faith in healing the sick. ...Hands on training after every session. You will heal the sick yourself. AK
REFIRING AND NOT RETIRING - For years, I was worried about the big five O but now at 56, it isn't that bad. I am busier for the kingdom than when I was in my 40s. My preaching and training engagements are filling up my calendar. I suspect I am enjoying the best time of my life. AK
Just read the Word of God and feel so good about being able to trust His promises: "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8 AK
Certainly we need to follow our God-given leaders. However, when they are in the wrong (as we/they sometimes are), it is important to confront them in Christian love where necessary, and to do what is right. As Peter pointed out, no leader has a right to control (lord it over) anybody else. When we do, we are playing the role of God and the Holy Spirit in their life. AK
Today let us meditate on the importance of having mercy and love for the poor and desolate people. The Bible proclaims about the importance of extending our concern and love to others. Proverbs 19:17, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Reach out and touch someone who are struggling financially for Christ! AK
There are lay people who work just as hard during the weekends. They are the ushers, greeters, worship leaders, musicians, backup singers, sound technicians, counselors and disciples doing all types of chores in church. We, pastors, get to rest on Mondays but these lay workers go AK
right back to their jobs. To these dedicated servants of God, I salute you all for your faithfulness. AK
For God to truly change our hearts we have to step out and go to the places of the world where people are hurting.Have you gone on a mission trip yet? AK
There are two ways that we can walk through a day. One is to walk by sight, and the other it walk by faith. To walk by faith means to walk in the truth of God's word and the presence of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. AK
People who say that they have never experienced miracles do not recognize that their friends are wonderful miracles from God. (AK)
Friends are the siblings whom God blesses us with as we travel this journey of life. AK
We have a problem as Christians - out of 100 unbelievers, only one will read the Bible while the other 99 will read the Christians. Wow, we have to lean on the Holy Spirit so that He can help us to live a life worthy of the name of Christ. (AK)
Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your present and future. Pray for them whenever they come to your mind. AK
IT'S TIME TO DREAM AGAIN - Are you hurting? Are you in a crisis? Did the doctors say that you have no more hope? You are not dead yet and GOD HAS A DREAM FOR YOU. When God gives you a dream, He looks for you to become a willing dreamer who believes. AK
If you maintain a teachable spirit, all the knowledge that God has for you will become available. AK
THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT - Bearing fruits alone is not enough because we must bear the right kind of fruits. We may try to trick God by tying apples onto our pear tree. However that will not work. A pear tree cannot bear apples. Jesus said, "Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" (Matthew 7:16-20, NIV). AK
Do we have this in our church today? Are we even rejoicing when our ministers come back with reports of miracles? --- The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them. (Acts 15:12) AK
God is vibrant, joyful and powerful. His presence should always give us a sense of great excitement and we should enjoy fullness of spirit. AK
The believers are those who have discovered an incredible richness of life that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. AK
God pushes us to the BEYOND because it is over the BEYOND that we learn how to fly. AK
Grace means showing love and concern to people who are not like us. AK
Faith honors God and God honors faith! Praise God for a blessed service today! We learned that God will never lead us to the place where He cannot guide us. He will never allow us to encounter danger without the corresponding strength to overcome. AK
Can we trust the advice of doctors who advocate abortion? A doctor also advised Andrea Bocelli's mother to abort Andrea. College football star Tim Tebow (now back-up quarterback for the Denver Broncos) revealed that doctors recommended abortion to his mother after she became sick in the Philippines. AK
Human impossibilities are God’s opportunities. Nothing is impossible to God, not even to heal the most impossible diseases! AK
KEEPING FROM EVIL -- What can we say about this evil that is in the hearts of men and women?
The fact is that while we may be shocked by the tragedies, we must recognize that we, ourselves, also have the capacity to do evil. If we were to be thrown into a situation where hatred is rife and anger is common, would our moral foundation collapse? How about a civilized
society where there are prosperity and peace? Will we find evil there?
The sad fact is that evil can be found almost anywhere. We just need to look at our own society and we will find evil reeking within. AK
We cry out to God because our nest is shaking and only to realize that God is the One who is shaking our nest! AK
I was complaining about having too many birthdays until I realize that Birthdays are good for you - the more you have, the longer you live! ^_^ AK
Let's go to Church today and worship together as the Body of Christ. This is important because we have to get used to what we will be doing together in heaven for eternity. GO to Church and worship .... then GO and make disciples of all nations. AK
Sometimes, it is better to hang on the vine like a bunch of grapes and enjoy the life of Christ flowing through us than trying to work, work, work and work just to get God's approval. AK
Real success is achieving God’s goals in your life! AK
In the Gospel, Jesus NEVER PRAYED FOR THE SICK. there is not recorded a single miraculous healing in which the miracle was a direct result of His prayer to the Father on behalf of the afflicted person. Rather, Jesus utilized His God-given authority and power to heal the sick.... In every instance, he DID NOT PRAY but COMMANDED THE INFIRM TO BE HEALED. AK
To be a Missional Church is not simply how many people minister inside our church, but how many minister outside our church. AK
Night never exists as the sun always shines. It's only dark because we live in the shadow of the sun. So often, Christians are not victorious because they only live in the shadow of the Son and not the light of the Son. AK
Have you heard of THE CAMBRIDGE SEVEN?
These faithful men had served God for their generation. Their testimonies proved that when lives are fully committed to the Lord, they will create great impact upon their generation for the kingdom of God.
May God raise up more faithful men and women to serve our generation. AK
What the Elijah Challenge trainers have taught is the Authority to Heal instead of the Gift of Healing. During the training, before believers are healed, they are asked to confess and repent of their sins. The reason is for believers their healing is conditional. (Matthew 5:24) AK
Hide me now under Your wings. Cover me within Your mighty hand. When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm. Father You are King over the flood I will be still and know You are God. AK
The point is that what we see is what we will become. That is, if I see myself as a loser, a loser I will be. If I see myself as a winner, a winner I will be. As Jesus said to the blind men, "According to your faith will it be done to you." And what is faith? It is visualizing or seeing what God wants you to be and, with his help, acting on what you see to make it happen. AK
There are certain prayers that God does not like to hear - for example, when you pray, "God, please send people to our church". He has asked you to GO and make disciples and now you ask Him to GO and do the work for you. So, is He God or you are His god? AK
You cannot go back and change a bad beginning but you start today and create a great future. By the grace and power of God, you can do it "through Christ who gives you strength" (Philippians 4:13) AK
If you are a Disciple of Christ, God has given you the authority and power to heal the sick whenever you share the Gospel. Wherever Jesus sent His Disciples, He gave them the same authority and power (Luke 9 and 10). Attend this Elijah Challenge Healing Seminar and learn how to exercise your faith in healing the sick. ...Hands on training after every session. You will heal the sick yourself. AK
REFIRING AND NOT RETIRING - For years, I was worried about the big five O but now at 56, it isn't that bad. I am busier for the kingdom than when I was in my 40s. My preaching and training engagements are filling up my calendar. I suspect I am enjoying the best time of my life. AK
Just read the Word of God and feel so good about being able to trust His promises: "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8 AK
Certainly we need to follow our God-given leaders. However, when they are in the wrong (as we/they sometimes are), it is important to confront them in Christian love where necessary, and to do what is right. As Peter pointed out, no leader has a right to control (lord it over) anybody else. When we do, we are playing the role of God and the Holy Spirit in their life. AK
Today let us meditate on the importance of having mercy and love for the poor and desolate people. The Bible proclaims about the importance of extending our concern and love to others. Proverbs 19:17, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Reach out and touch someone who are struggling financially for Christ! AK
There are lay people who work just as hard during the weekends. They are the ushers, greeters, worship leaders, musicians, backup singers, sound technicians, counselors and disciples doing all types of chores in church. We, pastors, get to rest on Mondays but these lay workers go AK
right back to their jobs. To these dedicated servants of God, I salute you all for your faithfulness. AK
For God to truly change our hearts we have to step out and go to the places of the world where people are hurting.Have you gone on a mission trip yet? AK
There are two ways that we can walk through a day. One is to walk by sight, and the other it walk by faith. To walk by faith means to walk in the truth of God's word and the presence of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. AK
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